Darth Vader Vs Indominus Rex Darth Vader Vs Indominus Rex Funny

Darth Vader vs. Indominus Rex

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The Merchant

Movie only feats for Vader, doesn't really need to be said for I rex that. Vader as of ROTJ. Battlefield is in a flat plain. Who wins?


Stupidest thread ever made.



um, I am not really sure


Vaders Force powers are nowhere near as potent in the films as they were in the EU from what I remember comparing the two. Without that TK he gets eaten.


Originally posted by relentless1
Vaders Force powers are nowhere near as potent in the films as they were in the EU from what I remember comparing the two. Without that TK he gets eaten.
I agree. EU!Vader would TK crush I Rex or toss him into the stratosphere... Movie!Vader, not so much.

Although there's a chance Vader cuts him up with his lightsaber.


Movies only Vader gets eaten


Couldn't he just use saber throw?


Id take Vader to win a solid majority over the I Rex.


Originally posted by StealthRanger
Couldn't he just use saber throw?
He could, actually. thumb up

Yeah, coming to think about it, lightsaber will be the game changer here. I Rex gets saber to the skull.


is about to be eaten by big lizard, uses his force powers at there full to stop the I rex for atleast 1 second, saber to skull

now the question is, can Vaders powers actually stop the Igen big Lug long enough to put a saber through its skull?


Vader does 't have to stop I Rex. He just uses saber throw FTW.


remind me when he did that?

honestly I am imagining a lightsaber being thrown and just cutting the rex rather then first shot killikg it


Saber throw -- Return of the Jedi, his fight with Luke.

Well, what stops him from throwing it so it pierces I Rex's skull with the pointy end?

Vader needs about a second to do so tbh and unless the distance between him and I Rex is like 5 feet, he's going to pull that off.

Also, lightsabers cut through everything in the movies.


I guess I have to,agree with stigma and stealth ranger here. If he throws his lightsaber, unless the dinosaur is made of cortosis, or the zilo beast material he's going down.


I don't think Vader's saber is anywhere near large enough to pierce the I-Rex's head and get a guaranteed kill shot, and once it knows the glow hurts, it'll be more careful about avoiding it if Vader tries to throw it again. When the I-Rex goes to chomp down on Vader is where it ends. I expect he could easily sever the lower jaw, or get a more accurate brain hit at that point.

The location doesn't help the I-Rex at all, either. It can't even utilize its camo effectively.


Originally posted by Stigma
Saber throw -- Return of the Jedi, his fight with Luke.

Well, what stops him from throwing it so it pierces I Rex's skull with the pointy end?

Vader needs about a second to do so tbh and unless the distance between him and I Rex is like 5 feet, he's going to pull that off.

Also, lightsabers cut through everything in the movies.

Not everything, ep 1 there were those...I dunno laser barricades between Maul, Qui Gon and Obi Wan, Maul tried to use his sabre on it and it did nothing

I also wanna throw in ESB when Luke hit Vader on the arm and it sparked but didn't do anything, but I dunno if Luke swung and didn't carry through


Originally posted by Stigma
Saber throw -- Return of the Jedi, his fight with Luke.

Well, what stops him from throwing it so it pierces I Rex's skull with the pointy end?

Vader needs about a second to do so tbh and unless the distance between him and I Rex is like 5 feet, he's going to pull that off.

Also, lightsabers cut through everything in the movies.

Ah thank you


Originally posted by EmperorSidious2
I guess I have to,agree with stigma and stealth ranger here. If he throws his lightsaber, unless the dinosaur is made of cortosis, or the zilo beast material he's going down.

Or resistant for long enough like a blast door


Doesn't vader still have some talent with beats control as during his AOTC self he was able to use beast control on one of the arena beast. Wouldn't that power have only gotten better as he got older and more experienced.


I Rex is too smart for BC, Vader wins though.


I didn't actually think of a saber throw. If Vader can connect a headshot he will most likely either cause a severe injury, which tips the match in his favour, or kill the I. Rex outright.


If the new comics series is to be used as movie canon now, Vader basically halted and began to tear apart an Imperial Walker. So lightsaber aside, his ability with the Force should allow him a win here as well.


He also lifted two AT-DPs in Rebels.

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